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Do you want your community’s history to be free to access?

Advantage Archives has partnered with over 1,000 communities to provide FREE digital access to 100,000,000+ images and counting. Is your community history not available for free? Contact your local library, schools, and historical/genealogical society and have them reach out to us so we can provide your community with FREE digital access to your local history.


Phone: (855) 303-2727

Schedule a Time to Talk with our Partnership Team

Advantage Archives is committed to building long-lasting community-based partnerships to preserve and provide free, practical access to local history.

We want to be your community’s partner and would love the opportunity to discuss this with you. Together, we will collaborate with you to digitize your community’s newspapers and microfilm, scan your historical documents, photos, slides, and books, and provide free online access to anyone, at any time, from anywhere!

Don’t just take our word for it: 

Spotlight: St. Bonaventure University

Spotlight: The Vernon Parish Library

Spotlight: The Catholic Globe

Spotlight: The XIT Museum

Spotlight: The Marion Public Library



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Other News!

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April 22, 2024
This Week in History: April 22- April 28

In honor of Earth Day, this week in history brings you events from the great outdoors! Whether you are a baseball fan, a climate activist, or just looking to learn more about history, this week in history has something for everyone! This week I chose to focus on the events that have impacted our environment […]

April 18, 2024
Don’t Search For An Obituary By Only Searching For An “Obituary”

In the quest to trace our roots and understand our heritage, obituaries often serve as a crucial starting point. Obituaries are undoubtedly a rich source of information for genealogists. They often provide vital details about the deceased, including their full name, date of birth, date of death, and often, the names of their relatives. However, […]

April 15, 2024
This Week in History – April 15- April 22

From old fires and recent fires to sinking ships and legends being born, this week in history presents us an opportunity to reflect on the events that changed lives all around the world. April seems to be the month that some of the biggest historical events have happened, and this week, in particular, has some […]

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